Why Rhino?
Tell us what’s important to you, and we’ll deliver it.
Customer satisfaction, quality ingredients, and continual innovation in ice cream inclusions are kind of our thing. Our deep expertise ties it all up in a nice little package. Learn about why you should choose Rhino for your next inclusion adventure.
In the food industry, it’s important to have confidence that a new ingredient or supplier will follow the highest food safety standards, the ingredients will always be within specification, and that you’ll receive it when promised. At Rhino, we understand this. That’s why we’ve worked with and met the quality, safety, and product expectations of some of the largest ice cream brands for decades.

Quality and Food Safety
We’ve produced ready-to-eat ingredients for ice cream and frozen desserts for more than 30 years. Running a commercial facility that produces ready-to-eat products requires knowledge of the specific challenges this creates, and expertise in mitigating and eliminating risk. In ensuring our food safety, we have a robust program grounded in four main preventative controls: Allergen, Sanitation, Supply Chain, and Processing.

Food safety best practices strongly informed the 2018 design of our expanded production facility and renovations to our labs and warehouses. We ensure the quality of our cookie doughs and other bakery-style inclusions through extensive micro-testing of ingredients and finished products, physical inspections, environmental monitoring, positive release of all finished products, and ongoing employee training.
Rhino is Committed to Food Safety

Approval Program

Certificate of Analysis

Microtesting Verification

Pasteurized Eggs

Heat Treated Flour

BRC Certified

Rhino Foods’ Employees


Certificate of Analysis

Micro Testing

Hold & Release Program

Deep Experience in Product Development
You need an ingredient that supports your flavor concept, is on trend, meets your price point, holds up over time in your product, and runs well on your production floor. Oh, and it has to taste great, too. We think of this challenge as balancing the art and science of product development.
At Rhino Foods, this discipline is led by Head of R&D Dale Conoscenti and Senior R&D Food Technologist Martin Cauchon. Dale brings more than 40 years of experience as a chef, restauranter, and creator of premium ice cream flavors for a leading global brand. During his long tenure at Rhino, he has focused on creating appetizing, easy-to-use inclusions. Martin has more than 12 years of experience in product development in the food and beverage industry, successfully implementing processes that have brought concepts to full-scale production.
A Focus on Trends and Innovation
Inspiration for the creation of new products is found in food trends emerging from many sources from high-end restaurants to global street foods to the grocery store aisle. We consider how the development of trends reflect consumers’ evolving expectations for flavor, texture, ingredient quality, ethical sourcing, and beyond. Our R&D Team captures this vision and mixes it with their creativity and culinary expertise to develop new pieces and ice cream flavor concepts to share with customers. What results: flavor innovation that helps spark our customers’ development of their next great product.

Your Partner in Custom Inclusions
We also find great success in collaborating with customers to create custom bakery-style inclusion concepts developed by their R&D or marketing teams. If everything we make is already on the shelves, what’s the fun in that? Come to us with your ingredient or flavor idea and our R&D team will partner with you to bring your vision to a freezer near you.